Friday, 15 November 2013

Social Media

There is a permanent upgrade in people's ability to communicate with each other.

So, What is Social Media?

In techies language
Social Media uses Internet and Web Based technologies to transform Broadcast media monologues into Social Media dialogues

Whoa what’s that? 

Yes, Social media promises dialogues. It says that I will give you a chance to respond even if it is as minor as clicking a like button. But you will have a chance to respond.

Today, we are going to raise questions against the popular perception amongst people.

At the same time we are going to see what are the big changes that have happened in past few years and a lot of them are commercial.

Remember in technology a question mark can be raised on only two things, whenever you talk about a new technology.
Can you tell me what these two things are?

                1) The technology itself: How useful is this technology. Would this be technology able to deliver what it is promising?
                2)  Commercial viability of technology. Is it commercial viable/profitable or not. If it is not will it have any life? It will have a life only in government sponsored labs or private sponsored labs.

                Now that is very important as lots of scientific research which cannot be turned into consumer products but that research is needed because it acts as a foundation of lots of consumer products that comes later on.

That’s why government and private charities donates million of dollars of funds for scientific research as one day it will lead to something like social media revolution.

Are you joking :)

This will look realistic when we see   :

1) Mark Zukerbarg in such young age achieved so lot. What Facebook has achieved is possible because of fundamentals research done by people last 50-60 years ago.

2)Android OS covered the market share, dramatically.

How the road map is laid

How the road map is laid

8-9 yrs ago there was nothing like this social media, this is very profound statement as this has got direct impact on our career / business.

Today Zynga (social gaming) has successfully turned 1 billion dollar IPO. If things go well we can expect growth in multiple.

It is so simple

Social Media is a big challenge because understanding it is not simple.


Opening a Facebook profile page, becoming registered user on LinkedIn or starting to tweet has nothing to do, of your being monetarily able to exploit those channels.

What’s that..

You have a Facebook account doesn’t mean you start making money from that channel.
That requires a different mindset altogether. Sometimes different education

Social media touches on a very basic human nerve
The urge to engage,
The urge to respond,
The urge to react and
The urge to have my reaction recorded.

Let’s feel it,

Today when I click a like button we don’t even realize what we doing , it’s a part of our life now but when designer of that website put that like button there  they knew exactly what they were doing .

What they were doing??

They where hooking you because every time when you press that like button you are reaffirming your loyalty toward that platform , your are engaging to that platform there by your bonding with that platform.

And isn't the way how human relationship is built. Analogous example: People hugging, kissing, shaking hand, on Social Media it is like button.

That’s how the warmth is carried out this way.

This technology is very dangerous as well.

Why Why??

Copy paste can only work to a limit. Infect may people have suggested Facebook should write on our wall, if you have copied paste it now.

As large no of people do this, it is very dangerous thing there is no originality. When these entire things are getting powerful your capability to communicate is also to be very powerful. Your basic English should be good if every other word is technically wrong, either the grammar is wrong, syntax is wrong, spelling is wrong you are exposing yourself to the rest of the world.

The fact that it has gone so powerful that means it wills cuts both ways. If you are good it will project you to the world, look how good English he has , how good photo he takes , how good thinker he is .
Let's learn some rules

Rule 1) Network Effect

     It states that the value of a communication network to its users rises exponentially with the number of people connected to it.

What does that mean?

This means that the audience of a social network grows slowly at first then explodes once it passes tipping point.

There are two kinds of companies
1)  One who wins
2)  One who loose

On internet definition changes little bit, the winner takes it all, Winning companies takes 80-90%, it doesn't give competitor a chance to think.
Proof of Network Effect

    For the first 150 million user – 5 years 
    For the next 150 million user – 8 months

    For the first million users- 16 months
    For the latest 1 million user – 11 days

    Rule URL: Ubiquity first revenue later

Let drive initial money from private equity ,venture capital , later advertisement will work for us

Giants Fighting

                Facebook Vs Google

Google Model:

Targeted ads in response to search queries, thereby increasing probability if click troughs, (ppcs , SEO these things got commoditised).

FaceBook Model:     

Facebook knows you personally based on likes , post , thereby giving richer level of personalization

Google needs open information of searching
Is Facebook Google indexable?
Ans is No (except some basic profile picture)

The larger no of people spending time inside Facebook domain, therefore creating less information for Google.

These kinds of system in Internet language known as Wald gardens .And as the users spend limited time on internet .Moreover more number of people spending more time in this garden.
You can understand Google can't see that information and this garden is growing in size day by day.

Can you feel the threat that is being faced by this Giant. Oh my god , I just hope that Facebook has build a search engine of its own and one day it is going to attach within the application then what would happen to Google users.

To be continued with KISS principle and lots more

Stay tunned for BIG DATA ...

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